Our story.


Chalet Christiania, a 100 years-old history

In the early 1920’s les 2 Alpes was only a mountain pasture and the chalet a sheepfold, a place of life and pilgrimage that came alive just in the summer.

As the years went by and the mountain pasture became a village and then a ski resort, the sheepfold was transformed, adding floors and modern comfort to become a dwelling house.

As the resort developed, the place was transformed over the years from a tea room to a hotel and finally to a guest house.

These transformations are the story of a family, of 3 generations.


First generation : Raymond & Madeleine Dode, a combination of mountain will and Corsican spirit


Second generation: Nadine Dode, driven by the desire to transform the chalet along with the resort evolution


We : Marie & Aurélie, two complementary sisters determined to adapt the chalet to the 21 century current & futur needs.



Today, to continue the story, we are breathing new life into this place by renovating it to meet the needs of today and tomorrow. Chalet Christiania is born.

We have designed this chalet in the image of our family, as a place of sharing, joy and reunion. Everything has been thought out so that the only objective is to fully enjoy these moments.